Cleaning Your Humidifier

Cleaning Your Humidifier

Weekly maintenance will help keep your units clean and running smoothly. Simple instructions for cleaning are in your owner’s manual. You’ll have your humidifier descaled and disinfected in no time! APPROXIMATE CLEANING TIME: 10-15 MINUTES Supplies you’ll need:...
Benefits of Using a Sinus Inhaler

Benefits of Using a Sinus Inhaler

Clogged sinuses, post-nasal drip and a congested cough are something that you and your family might be all too familiar with. But whether you experience congestion with seasonal allergies or when you come down with a cold, there is help! For targeted, natural relief...
Benefits of Vapourizers

Benefits of Vapourizers

A nagging cough. A red, stuffy nose. An overwhelming need to curl up in bed and pull the covers over yourself! We all know the feeling. When you or your child has a cold, the flu, or allergies, it can make you feel miserable. That’s when you need the soothing relief...
Calming Allergy Symptoms

Calming Allergy Symptoms

Humidifiers and Sinus Inhalers: Calming Allergy Symptoms Down Year Round Sneeze. Cough. Rub itchy eyes. Repeat. When you and your family live with allergies, you know this routine all too well. We all know that antihistamines help alleviate some allergy symptoms, but...