Humidifiers & Vapourizers
Most people think of humidifiers as pretty straight forward — you turn them on when someone’s sick, right? But here’s something you may not know: the right amount of humidity brings a lot of healthy benefits to your family. And adding humidity isn’t just for when your family is under the weather; you can (and should!) humidify year-round.

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Choosing the Right Humidifer
What Temperature is Best?
Warm Steam or Cool Mist? Both help ease dry air discomforts allowing you to breathe better and sleep more comfortably, so it comes down to personal preference.
Warm Steam: Produces warm soothing steam and works with liquid inhalants like Vicks VapoSteam to provide cough relief.
Cool Mist: Delivers cool mist into the air and helps maintain overall room temperature. It can be filtered (evaporative) or filter-free (ultrasonic).
Filtered or Filter-Free, Which is Right For You?
Filtered (evaporative) humidifiers use a filter to remove minerals from the water and quietly deliver invisible moisture into the air.
Best for Adults, Kids & Babies and those suffering from allergies or asthma OR those with air quality concerns.
Filter-free (ultrasonic) models are ultra-quiet and deliver visible mist but should be used with demineralization cartridges to help prevent white dust.
Best for Adults, Kids & Babies
Filter-free (warm mist) models deliver visible mist as water is boiled in a heating chamber, then it is released into the air as warm mist.
Best for Adults
Room Size Matters
It is important to understand the size of the room where the humidifier will be used. Buying the right humidifier will ensure that you get the desired results.
Small Room: Up to 250 square feet (23.2 square metres)
Medium Room: Up to 400 square feet (37.2 square metres)
Large Room: Up to 600 square feet (55.7 square metres)
Consider the Tank Size
If you plan to use the humidifier at night, look for a big tank capacity and long enough run time so that you can sleep worry-free.
Mini Filter Free Cool Mist Humidifier: ½ Gallon (1.9 litre) tank, up to 24-hour run time
Filter Free Cool Mist Humidifier: 1.0 Gallon (3.8 litre) tank, up to 36-hour run time
CoolRelief Cool Mist Humidifier: 1.2 Gallon (4.5 litre) tank, up to 40-hour run time