Humidifiers come in all shapes, sizes and add moisture into the air to help you and your family feel more comfortable. Vicks is here to help you find the right humidifier. Click each title in the humidifier buying guide to learn more about things to consider when choosing your humidifier.

Cold And Flu Survival Guide

Wash your hands!

Getting hands clean requires washing them with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds – that’s about 2 renditions of ‘Happy Birthday.’

Hydration Nation

Though staying hydrated is always important, its especially critical if you feel a cold coming on. Water, along with non-caffeinated liquids will help loosen congestion.

Don’t be Afraid of the Dark

It’s common for kids to be fearful of sleeping in dark bedrooms. Not only does the Vicks Sweet Dreams Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier add essential moisture to the air helping to keep little noses clear, it also creates an enchanting and soothing bedtime environment.

Splish, Splash Take A Bath!

Fever is often one of the first signs of illness. You can temporarily cool off the body by using a cool washcloth on the forehead or taking a tepid or lukewarm bath.